Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ear Buds

Does anyone else think that this is a very wierd name to give a technology? I mean I *get it*. They blossom music into your ears. Great metaphor, but still, the idea of pushing something called a "bud" into my ear just feels completely odd. A strange aural violation.

BUT these "buds" are my salvation. Everytime the banging of the boiler starts up -- what? did you think that it had gone away? just because i wasn't whining about it regularly on my blog? oh no, i still work inside the cavernous innards of a company that does something I'm still not exactly sure of, but that has incredible employee benefits -- everytime I hear the first ominous belch, in go the buds.

A few of you asked if I had moved offices or something. No. I just found buds. I'm thinking of using them next time I have a conversation with Richard.

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